A really cool aspect for me, in commissioning artwork for Immersion, was seeing different interpretations by the artists. I tried not to put strict guidelines, preferring to let them draw upon thier own imaginings of my writing.
This artwork is by www.fiverr.com/crispytheghoul
“You, I recognize. I gave you to them. Were you so bad that they left to find better?”
The witch smiled to let the taunt ferment. It was only a moment though. Her face went slack, and her smile melted. Her lips formed a circle, and her eyes popped open as big as saucers.
Through the whole encounter, Nareed watched her cousin. Upon being addressed by the Frosma witch, Stina stretched her hand in the direction of her tormentor. Her fingers were splayed, as far apart as they could be, tensed and shaky. That was when the witch’s smile disappeared. That was when Nareed saw the blue glow spring from Stina’s fingertips. It extended like a rope of pure light to the horsewoman’s heart. Stina closed her fingers into a tight fist. She shook it as if she had hold of a snake and was squeezing the life out of it. The witch put both hands to her chest before she fell limply from her mount to the ground.
