For the first draft of the Genepa map, I wanted to capture a geography that was based in geology. A world with plate tectonics like our own. Thus was born The Choke.
“This was The Choke. The long rip that was tearing the great landmasses of the world apart. It was a rift, where the titanic forces of the world’s heated depths had been working to separate the lands of Erimoca from Ganepa for millennia beyond count. A land of volcanic outburst and ground-shaking tremors, far exceeding the horrific details that the stories of the bards had depicted. There was a power working in this canyon that was far removed from mana. Removed from the forces of life, it was born in the heart of the world. This crack was where that force was surfacing to shape and form the land anew. And it was the land that The Immersed sought to cross. A dangerous hell filled with monsters that, until rec
ently, had only manifested in nightmares. Now their world was that nightmare.”