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Mountaineous Landscape

The Cast Of Chronicles Of The Manaar

Charachter Bios



Elemental Manaar

Mik is the goatherders Son, He is intelligent and has a keen interest in Arasahn history and the stories that Gris the bard told him in his youth regarding the people before the reaping. He has growing feelings towards Nareed, the village weaver's daughter, and attends the County Harvest dance as her partner. When the attack on the Windbeck county fair disrupts their lives, it is Miks quick thinking and leadership that is a key factor in his and his friends escape. The Immersion has given him the abilities of an elemental manaar. Miks affinity is earth and stone.








Age- 16 at Immersion

Hair- Dark Brown

Eyes- Green

Height- 5' 8"

Mundane Skills- Goat herding, tactical thinking

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- The Red Sun





Blade Manaar

Kel grew up on a farm north of the Village. with a kind and friendly disposition, he lives with his family while he works to save money to start his own life. He can be slow to learn at times, but he always seems to land on his feet. 


At 21 years old, he is Parnel's suitor and escort to the County Harvest Dance.






Age- 21 at Frosma Attack

Hair- Dark Brown

Eyes- Brown

Height- 5' 11"

Mundane Skills- Farming/Gambling

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A



Spirit Manaar

Stina was born in the Village to the potter and his wife the healer. She is a compassionate and caring girl who is set to follow in her mothers footsteps. She helps whenever there is an aliment or injury among her village neighbors, and her mother leans on her heavily in the care of her grandmother.


She is 16 years old and is Nareed's cousin and best friend.


The Immersion at Windbeck enhances her disposition as a spirit manaar. Her affinity is healing.








Age- 16 at Immersion

Hair- Light Blonde

Eyes- Blue

Height- 5' 3"

Mundane Skills- Healing, Mid-wife

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- The healing hand





Blade Manaar

The youngest son of five, Alan lives alone with his mother. His father took ill and died when he was young. All of Alan's siblings have moved south in recent years. He takes care of his mother and their farm, taking any free moments to visit a neighboring hunter's daughter, Margrit. He is Kel's best friend, 


He is 21 when he attends the Harvest Festival Dance as Margrit's dance partner.








Age- 21 at Immersion

Hair- Very short - Brown

Eyes- Blue

Height- 6' 1"

Mundane Skills- Farming, Fishing

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A








Blade Manaar

The Village woodcutter's son is Danny. He is tall and extermly strong, soft spoken, and very loyal to his friends. Danny has always dreamed of the chivalrous acts of knighthood and has pursued learning about sword fighting since he was a lad.


Danny is among the 16 year olds that are attending the Harvest Festival that are old enough to attend the dance. He has been practicing the dances with Mik and Nareed but does not have a partner when the day to leave for the fair arrives.


Immersion complements Danny's attributes of strength, he is a blade manaar and his affinity is



Age- 16 at Frosma Attack

Hair- Brown

Eyes- Dark Brown

Height- 6' 3"

Mundane Skills- Wood Chopping / Sword Fighting

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- The Great Bear



Spirit Manaar

Myra is the daughter of the Village woodcutter and Danny's little sister. An outgoing and loving child, Myra is more clever then most children her age.








Age- 6 at Immersion

Hair- Midnight Black

Eyes- Dark Brown

Height- 3' 11"

Mundane Skills- Fox and Geese prodigy, making rushlights

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A









The bard of Windbeck County, Gris is one of the many bards who had been commissioned by the king to educate his people and provide them with news and tales of the Wider world. Approaching middle age, Gris is handsome and very friendly.


Being a bard, he is a king's agent and has a greater role than what is apparent to the majority of the average country folk. A bards's primary duty is to keep the king informed on the goings on in Arasah.


Gris takes responsibility with Gavin to ensure the Immersed make it to safety.



Age- 21 at Immersion

Hair- Very short - Brown

Eyes- Brown

Height- 6' 1"

Mundane Skills- Farming, Fishing

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A






The captain of the Warderkep garrison's cavalry, command fell to him after a long retreat from the north. At Foulwend, he ordered a last-measure stand to allow for the escape of the civilians. It was he who led the final charge at the Battle of Foulwend.










Age- 31 at the Frosma Attack

Hair- Brown, cut very short

Eyes- Hazel

Height- 5' 10"

Mundane Skills- Tactics, all weapons, diplomacy

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A






Marin is an opportunistic self-serving rouge. His appearances in Windbeck county are coincidentally timed with trouble of some sorts, though he always seems to escape the scrutiny of the county sheriffs.









Age- Late twenties at Immersion

Hair- Muddy Brown

Eyes- Hazel

Height- 5' 8"

Mundane Skills- Con man, thief, liar

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A






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Lady Adeia


Lady Adeia, Fifth born to King Gamion, Former High Bard of Arasah and Chief Archivist of Careb's High Library.


Lady Adeia is sister to King Calion, and Menics Favorite aunt. It was she that performed the traditional role of training the kings fifth born to replace her as high bard. She has harbored much resentment over the years of her father and his obsession with the blood line of the Abrecan. The very obsession that forced her only daughter into hiding in the north.




Age- 64 at Immersion

Hair- Dark/Turning Silver

Eyes- Dark Brown

Height- 5' 8"

Mundane Skills- musician, singing, arts and history.

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- Coyote











A Sergeant in the Warderkep Garrison, he leads a team of men saved by the Immersed.










Age- Late 20's at Immersion

Hair- Muddy Brown

Eyes- Hazel

Height- 5' 8"

Mundane Skills- Con man and Thief

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- The Wolf




One of the Triad Eternals and the second to Alyva. She is responsible with her sisters for the first Reaping and assisting with the second.




The most powerful of the Triad Eternal. She is responsible with her sisters for the first reaping and has launched the second reaping.




Coming Soon



Prince of The Abrecan's Line

One of the Trial Eternals and the second to Alvyra. She is responsible with her sisters for the First Reaping and assisting with he second.



Elemental Manaar

The second of two daughters born to the Villages weavers, Nareed is 16 years old. She is very talented at drawing with charcoal as well as any other art medium that she applies herself to. She is very attentive to all that takes place around her and has a keen intuition.


In the year leading up to the Windbeck County Harvest Festival, she had been working on learning and teaching her peers the traditional dances of her people. Her intentions at the opening of "The Chronicles of the Manaar," are to attend the County Harvest Dance as Mik's partner.


The Immersion had endowed her with the abilities of an elemental manaar. Her affinity is fire.



Age- 16 at Immersion

Hair- Light Brown

Eyes- Green

Height- 5' 5"

Mundane Skills- Drawing/Art

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- Fire



Elemental Manaar

Parnel is Nareed's older sister. Her village upbringing has instilled in her a great sense of caring and responsibility for children and elderly alike. With a bold spirit, she often speaks her mind, which has landed her in trouble more than once.


She is 18 years old and plans to attend the Harvest Festival Dance With Kel.






Age- 18 at Immersion

Hair- Medium Brown

Eyes- Green

Height- 5' 6"

Mundane Skills- Embroidery, Cooking

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A



Spirit Manaar

Kebe is the son of the Village bakers. He has a gift for telling stories and is musically gifted with a superb singing voice. His prize possion is a fipple flute given to him by his grandmother, which he is often called to play at village gatherings. The Windbeck county bard, Gris has taken note of Kebe's gift and has been considering taking him on as an apprentice when he turns 16 years old. 


At 15 years if age, Kebe is too young to attend the Harvest Dance. He attends the fair to help his parents while carrying the disappointment that the girl who holds his affection will not be there.


The Immersion leads him on the path of a spirit manaar. His affinity is of the mind.




Age- 15 at the Frosma Attack

Hair- Sandy Blonde (Likes it cut short)

Eyes- Hazel

Height- 5' 7"

Mundane Skills- Singing, Playing Pipe, Baking

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- Blue Song Bird



Blade Manaar

Adeia is the sole daughter of a farming couple from outlying lands around the village. A tall girl, a trait that Adeia has inherited from both parents, Adeia is extremely agile and lithe. The family holds a closely guarded secret that will shape Adeia's future.


This year, she attends the fair with the hopes of reuniting with her peers from her lesson years, when she would stay in the Village to attend the teachings of the county bard, Gris. She is 16 and has hopes of attending the dance.


Immersion has bestowed to her the combat prowess of a blade manaar with an affinity of lightning speed.


Age- 16 at Immersion

Hair- Midnight Black

Eyes- Dark Brown

Height- 5' 10"

Mundane Skills- Acrobatics, verbal fencing, martial combat

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- The Wolf



Spirit Manaar

A hunter's daughter, Margrit is very shy and soft spoken. She is Parnel's best friend. Like Stina, she has a curing nature and has often helped with caring for village elders and children.


She is 19 years old when she attends the Harvest dance as Alan's partner.










Age- 19 at Immersion

Hair- Blonde

Eyes- Hazel

Height- 5' 5"

Mundane Skills- Cooking, Fletching

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A









Arasahn Scout

A Trapper who works the River's bend Lands west of Windbeck. Gavin is also a widower. In his youth, he was a scout in service to the king, having served many years with distinction. He seldom visits Windbeck, but he makes sure he attends the fair to make purchases from the many stalls and venders for his winter stores.




Age- 40 at Frosma Attack

Hair- Black with light grey tints

Eyes- Piercing Blue

Height- 5' 6"

Mundane Skills- Tracking, Horsemanship, Fighting, Trapping, Hunting

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A





Chief of the King's Bards. The Fifth Born to the King Calican, seventeenth in line to the throne. 


Menic is a good and just man.  Dedicated to the oath of the Abrecan, he is seeking the salvation of Arasah's people from the horrors of the Second Reaping.


At 43 years old, he has been married once, and since losing the love of his life during the birth of their first child, he has never loved again.






Age- 16 at Immersion

Hair- Midnight Black

Eyes- Dark Brown

Height- 5' 10"

Mundane Skills- Acrobaticsm verbal fencing, martial combat

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- The Wolf




Weapons Master

A King's Sheriff of Abrecan County, Bennet has been tasked with the king's inquiry into the Oonmin sighting of the River Bends Lands. He gangly appearance belies a martial ability that has yet to meet his equal.










Age- 28 at Immersion

Hair- Dark brown, Hints of Midnight Black

Eyes- Dark Brown

Height- 6' 3"

Mundane Skills- Extremely talented in all forms of martial defense

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A



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Lord Lenus


Lord of Redstone, eighty-ninth in line to the throne.


Being of the Line of Abrecan, Lenus's talents lie in administrational duties. He is enamored by his own sense of self importance and a love for making long winded speeches.


He is married and has five children.





Age- Late 50's

Hair- Brown Hair

Eyes- Hazel

Height- 5' 10"

Mundane Skills- A Passion For Hearing His Own Voice

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A


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Lord Orella


Lady Orella, third born to Princess Holly, and the King's bard.


Lady Orella is cousin to Lady Adeia. The Two grew up as close friends, training under Orella's mother Holly in Arasahn History and the arts. She is mother to three, Charles, Lenus, and Lucy. Her son, Lenus is the same lord who held the position, Lord of Redstone.







Age- 65 at Immersion

Hair- White

Eyes- Light Brown

Height- 5' 6"

Mundane Skills- Fox and Geese champion, musician, singing, arts and history.

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A




Arch Nemesis of Erik. Captain Breamir received a false promotion to Marshal. He held the refugees in Corey Holm under the Frosma Witches orders so they could reap the death mana.








Age- 32 at Immersion

Hair- Dirty Blonde

Eyes- Hazel

Height- 5' 9"

Mundane Skills- Deception

Erimocan Spirit Symbol- N/A




The third if the Triad Eternal, she is responsible with her sisters for the first reaping. Thought to have perished in the Battle of the Litchfields.




One of the Trial Eternal and the second to Alyva. She is responsible with her sisters for the first Reaping and is assisting in the Second.



Inn Matron

Coming Soon



Orphan Boy

Coming Soon

L.R. Maley Novels and The Chronicles of the Manaar Book Series  ™  are trademarks of Woodsy Hollow Publishing LLC.  2025

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